How much public sector spent?

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Municipality Expenditures

EUR mil. Per capita Per working person Annual change
Labour Costs (including contributions) 1 637,1 302 689 22,9%
Goods and Services 1 081,4 200 455 9,7%
Transfers 446,1 82 188 18,7%
Capital Expenditures and Transfers 893,6 165 376 11,5%
Interest Payments 22,7 4 10 -21,9%
Financial Operations, Debt Repayment 254,0 47 107 9,5%
Total Expenditures of Municipalities 4 334,8 800 1 824 15,4%

Table description

Municipalities represent the first and closest contact of citizen with the state. Their competence (abilities to decide and manage) and roles significantly expanded in the years 2002-2004 during the decentralization of state power. Their spending is dominated by the cost of wages, due to the high number of representatives (more than 20,000 representatives at nearly 3,000 municipalities).