How much public sector spent?

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Functional Structure of Government Expenditures

EUR mil. Per capita Per working person Annual change
General Public Services 3 346,4 618 1 434 5,9%
Defence 659,3 122 282 5,5%
Public Security 1 462,2 270 626 4,0%
Economy 3 047,9 563 1 306 4,4%
Environmental Protection 222,9 41 95 -18,9%
Housing 186,7 34 80 14,3%
Healthcare 100,7 19 43 -23,6%
Culture and Religion 300,8 56 129 7,8%
Education 1 977,6 365 847 3,6%
Social Welfare 4 115,7 760 1 763 4,2%
Total Government Expenditures 15 420,2 2 848 6 606 4,1%

Table description

Functional government expenditures let us keep track of how weight of expenditures in different areas changed over time in terms of the amount of funds that flow into them.