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Revenues of Social Insurance Agency

EUR mil.
Revenues from Contributions  
Self Employed  
Voluntary Insured Individuals  
Contributions paid by Government for Selected Individuals  
Other Revenues  
Fines and penalties  
Collection of Unpaid Contributions  
Other Revenues  
Total Revenus of Social Insurance Agency (in current year)  
Financing the Transfer of Contributions to II. Pillar from State Budget (or SFA)  

Table description

Social Insurance Agency (SIA) ensures collection of contributions from wages (income) and pays fixed benefits. Although formal charges are paid by employees and employers, in fact, only the employee’s contributions are levied on the total reward for work, which the employer would have otherwise paid to the employee. Thus every employee pays 35,9% of his income to the SIA. Financing of deficit of the 1st pillar is provided by transfers of financial assets from the State Financial Assets, in which revenues from privatization are stored and their income is also majority of dividends from state shares in energetic companies. Note: In the revenues from insurance are not included payments of the SIA for the disabled people’s pensions, because it is a transfer of insurance payments paid to disability insurance fund. SIA records this transfer as income from insurance.