How much public sector collected?

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Overview of Tax Rates

Direct Taxes
Personal Income Tax
Corporate Income Tax
Indirect Taxes
Value Added Tax
Excise Taxes:
from mineral oils
from Etanol
from Beer
from Wine
from Tobacco products
from Electricity, Coal and Natural Gas
Motor Vehicles Tax
Import Tarrifs
Other Taxes
Tax from Land
Tax from Buildings
Apartments Tax
Tax on Dog
Public Area Usage Tax
Accomodation Tax
Tax on Retail Machines
Tax on nonlottery machines
Tax from entering historical center of town
Nuclerar Device Tax
Waste Tax
Gambling Tax
Unofficial Taxes
Copy Tax

Table description

Prehľad obsahuje zoznam oficiálnych daní, ako aj zoznam poplatkov, ktoré nie sú prezentované ako dane, ale svojou plošnosťou, resp. nemožnosťou vyhnúť sa ich platbe a nemožnosťou požadovať ekvivalentné plnenie, spĺňajú charakter dane. Zoznam týchto "neoficiálnych daní" priebežne doplňujeme.