How much public sector spent?

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How do we owe

EUR mil. Per capita Per working person Annual change
Bonds and Treasury Bills 24 936 4 591 10 760 22,3%
Treasury Bills 1 269 234 548 34,9%
Government Bonds 23 667 4 358 10 213 21,7%
Loans, financial liabilities, EFSF 1 991 367 859 7,5%
Loans, other financial liabilities 1 991 367 859 7,5%
Guarantees issued for EFSF 0 0 0 n.a.
Debts of hospitals 0 0 0 n.a.
Deposits in State Treasury 71 13 31 -14,9%
Total public debt (Maastricht debt) 26 998 4 971 11 650 20,9%

Table description

The process of debt accumulation of the state and of the municipalities varies greatly. The state issues government bonds and shor-term treasury bills while local governments are usually leveraged by commercial banks through standard loans. Since 2011 new item has been added - obligations to the EFSF - which raised our debt as well.