How much public sector collected?

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Revenues of Municipalities

EUR mil. Per capita Per working person Annual change
Total Tax Revenues 1 620,3 299 685 -3,9%
Personal Income Tax 1 206,8 223 510 -6,6%
Property Taxes 254,8 47 108 7,3%
Taxes from Specific Services 158,7 29 67 1,8%
Non-tax Revenues 314,2 58 133 -8,9%
Capital Revenues 100,0 18 42 -59,9%
Subsidies and Grants within Public Sector 1 148,1 212 485 20,2%
Financial Operations 520,9 96 220 40,3%
Total Revenues 3 758,3 694 1 589 4,2%

Table description

Municipalities receive funding for their expenses primarily from taxes and transfers from the state budget. Most of the tax revenues, however, consists of the share of the collected income tax. The rate of it cannot be directly affected by the municipalities. Transfers within public sector serve to fund delagated powers (eg. primary education).