Share of the total tax revenues on GDP

  • Tax-to-GDP ratio (%)

How much public sector spends?

How much public sector spends EUR mil. Per capita Per working person
Government 16 247 2 994 6 837
 Ministry of Labour 2 150 396 905
 Ministry of Education 1 227 226 516
 Ministry of Health 1 491 275 627
 Ministry of Defence 881 162 371
SGR and Municipalities 4 968 916 2 091
Social Insurance Agency 7 306 1 346 3 074
Health Insurance Companies 4 271 787 1 798
Total Expenditures of Public Sector 32 235 5 940 13 565

How much public sector collects?

How much public sector collects? EUR mil. Per capita Per working person
Taxes 13 882 2 558 5 842
Income Taxes 5 399 995 2 272
Personal Income Tax 2 555 471 1 075
Corporate Income Tax 2 677 493 1 126
VAT 5 424 1 000 2 282
Excise Taxes 2 113 389 889
Social Contributions 6 324 1 165 2 661
Health Contributions 2 855 526 1 201
Total Revenues of Public Sector 30 678 5 654 12 910