In making decisions on state expenditures, politicians speak in terms of hundreds of millions of Euros. Very few of us are so fortunate as to have personal experience with such sums. It is difficult for us to imagine millions; we can't even think in terms of billions. Thus we lose sight of what things cost us.
The Universe of Public Expenditures is a graphical representation of all public expenditures financed by taxes and contributions. It enables one to understand the relationships among the individual items of public administration. It is a useful aid in illuminating the basic financial flows between citizen and state as well as among individual state institutions. The relative level of expenditure in each field is reflected in the sizes of the circles, making it possible to easily compare the dimensions of the specific areas in which politicians have decided to use our money. If this distribution displeases you, do let them know.
In 2006 the Ministry of Education issued permission for the use of this poster as an instructional tool for high school social studies students learning about economic problems.
A B2-sized poster of the Universe of Public Expenditures on quality laminated paper may be purchased here.The cost is EUR 3.10 plus postage and packaging. Of course, you may also pick one up yourself at our office.
The universe of public expenditures 2024 was kindly supported by: