How much public sector spent?

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Expenditures of Ministries

EUR mil. Annual change
Total 17 391,9 4,1%
General Treasury Administration 3 966,8 10,4%
Interest repayments and other expenses of the national debt 1 398,2 9,9%
Contributions to the EU, including reserves 794,9 -2,5%
Subsidy to Social insurance Agency 1 038,9 33,8%
Government reserves 350,9 -16,3%
Ministry of Education of the SR 1 482,3 6,3%
 Basic research 286,5 21,2%
 Sport and culture 41,6 3,7%
 Primary education (including expenses of Ministry of the Interior) 731,0 n.a.
 Secondary eduction (including expenses of Ministry of the Interior) 457,1 n.a.
University education 433,6 n.a.
 Education services (room, board) (including expenses of Ministry of the Interior) 77,3 n.a.
Other forms of education (including expenses of Ministry of the Interior) 340,8 n.a.
 Ministry of Labour, Soc. Affairs, and Family of the SR 2 110,7 1,1%
 Aid to persons in material need (welfare) 300,2 -8,5%
 Child allowance 321,1 0,2%
Parental allowance 361,0 1,9%
Insurance premiums for persons caring for children 269,9 -11,1%
Subsidies to disabled 246,0 1,4%
 Care for at-risk children – orphanages 82,7 4,0%
Labour market policy, employment services 77,4 3,5%
Costs of administration of allowances 127,1 22,6%
Christmas allowances to pensioners 65,0 12,6%
Specific allowances and social services subsidies 176,1 69,3%
Ministry of Health of the SR 1 303,7 -6,1%
Insurance contributions paid by the state (3 million insureds - children, pensioners, etc.) 1 204,4 -4,1%
Public Health Authorities 24,6 1,1%
Ministry of Defence of the SR 744,7 3,1%
Salaries for soldiers and other employees 444,6 -16,4%
Operation of military facilities and investments 240,0 -0,5%
Investment 1,3 -2,8%
Peace missions abroad 35,5 3,2%
Ministry of Transport, Construction and Reg. Development of the SR 2 257,0 14,5%
Road construction and services 1 034,1 19,9%
Subsidies to railway transportation 997,6 12,3%
Regulation, state oversight and transportation safety 9,5 16,3%
Residential construction and renovation support 20,0 70,6%
Subsidy to State Housing Development Fund 54,9 0,0%
Housing construction saving subsidy 39,0 6,7%
Mortgage interest subsidies 35,0 4,6%
Policy development, control and management n.a. n.a.
Tourism development 11,2 28,5%
Ministry of Agriculture and Regional Development of the SR 1 108,3 -10,8%
Rural development - subsidies to farmers 352,9 -32,6%
Direct payments to farmers 464,2 33,0%
Crop purchase interventions - stabilization of market 15,0 33,0%
Food safety, health, crop protection 31,9 n.a.
Regional development support 184,4 -11,4%
 Ministry of the Interior of the SR 2 017,7 4,7%
Police 689,9 n.a.
Fire brigades 119,7 4,4%
Regional office of central administration 102,6 101,3%
Protection of national border 32,4 -5,3%
Education of the youth 941,6 n.a.
 Ministry of Construction and Regional Development - cancelled n.a. n.a.
Residential construction and renovation support n.a. n.a.
Subsisdy to State Housing Development Fund n.a. n.a.
Housing construction saving subsidy n.a. n.a.
Mortgage interest subsidies n.a. n.a.
Regional development support n.a. n.a.
Ministry of Finances of the SR 547,8 7,8%
Collection taxes and customs administration 183,3 22,2%
Collection of taxes n.a. n.a.
Customs administration n.a. n.a.
Wired society initiative (e government) 267,3 -26,0%
Supervision and managment of public finances flows 39,3 -6,2%
Ministry of Economy of the SR 414,3 -9,1%
Support programs and organizations of ministry 23,0 n.a.
Investment stimulus and subsidies 7,8 n.a.
Tourism development 49,4 n.a.
Entrepreneurs support 8,8 -88,2%
Industrial restructuring 76,0 15,7%
Green energy and inovations subsidies 240,0 186,1%
Ministry of Environment of the SR 399,0 -30,1%
Water protection, water treatment systems and sewers 224,8 n.a.
Flood control measures 21,5 n.a.
Administrative costs and other organisations within the Ministry 22,2 n.a.
Air, environment and landscape protection, waste management 117,8 n.a.
Ministry of Justice of the SR 315,8 11,8%
Judiciary 148,1 -0,4%
Prisons 158,5 0,3%
Ministry of Culture of the SR 182,5 -2,1%
Theatres, Museum, Galleries, Music, Grants 128,5 -9,6%
Churches and religious societies 37,4 2,6%
Digitalisation and e-archive n.a. n.a.
Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs of the SR 115,7 -11,6%
Expenditures for diplomatic missions 69,8 n.a.
Ministry operations 21,0 n.a.
Foreign aid and memberships 21,6 -52,5%
Slovak Academy of Science 60,8 41,6%
 Supreme Public Prosecutor's Office of the SR 70,1 17,7%
Slovak Information Service 42,9 -6,0%
 Geodesy, Cartography, and Land Register Office of the SR 15,1 -54,9%
 Chancellery of the Parliament of the SR 26,5 10,2%
Government Office of the SR 22,6 -0,0%
 Administration of State Material Reserves of the SR 110,4 258,5%
Statistical Office of the SR 19,1 -10,3%
 National Security Office 8,3 -6,0%
Supreme Court of the SR 8,8 2,5%
Supreme Audit Office of the SR 7,9 20,2%
 Standardization, Metrology, and Testing Office of the SR 3,8 -24,0%
 Nuclear Regulatory Authority of the SR 9,2 47,1%
 Office of the President of the SR 4,0 -9,2%
Constitutional Court of the SR 3,4 73,1%
 Industrial Property Office of the SR 2,7 99,7%
 Office for Public Procurement of the SR 5,1 26,6%
Antimonopoly Office of the SR 2,0 -4,6%
Regulatory Office for Network Industries 2,9 -0,5%
The Judicial Council of the Slovak Republic n.a. n.a.
Office of the Slovak Government for Investments and Informatisation n.a. n.a.

Table description

State budget expenditures are divided between 13 ministries and 19 other institutions. Each of these entities (also referred to as a budget chapter, ministries refer to as departments) is an independent legal subject and has its incomes and expenditures. Sum of these expenditures creates the state budget. General Treasury Administration has a special position among the ministries, it is not a typical ministry, does not have an appointed minister but for its management is responsible Minister of finance. From an accounting perspective this institution is the recipient of all tax income and its spending budget has a cross-sectional nature eg state debt interests or contributions into the EU budget. The state budget is approved annually by the Parliament based on the Government's proposal. If the expenses exceed the revenues, we talk about the deficit of the state budget.