How much public sector collected?

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Non-tax Revenues of the Government

EUR mil. Per capita Per working person Annual change
Revenues from Business and from Property Title 81,9 15 34 n.a.
Dividends 49,3 9 20 n.a.
Revenues from Property Titles 23,3 4 10 n.a.
Administrative fees and other payments 295,8 55 122 n.a.
Administrative fees (which of) 178,6 33 73 n.a.
Legal Charges 23,7 4 10 n.a.
Revenues from Sale of Revenue Stamps 132,1 24 54 n.a.
Hallmark fees 1,2 0 1 n.a.
Other fees 21,5 4 9 n.a.
Licences and Concessions 0,1 0 0 n.a.
Fines and penalties 57,6 11 24 n.a.
Fees from occasional sale of goods and services 59,6 11 24 n.a.
Capital Revenues 29,5 5 12 n.a.
Interest Received from Domestic Loans, Deposits 237,7 44 98 n.a.
Interest Received from Foreign Loans, Deposits 0,5 0 0 n.a.
Other Non-tax revenues 235,3 44 97 n.a.
Withheld resources 13,3 2 5 n.a.
Compensation from Insurance Coverage 4,6 1 2 n.a.
Gains from Lotteries and Other Betting Activities 85,6 16 35 n.a.
Other 131,7 24 54 n.a.
Total Non-tax Revenues of the Government 880,5 163 362 n.a.

Table description

Various government non-tax revenues come either from the administration and sale of property, or of the various administrative fees. Overall, however, the importance of non-tax revenue is low, representing less than 10% of budget revenues.