How much public sector collects?

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Revenues of Universities and Colleges

EUR mil. Per capita Per working person Annual change
Administrative Fees 109,7 20 46 -0,9%
Capital Revenues 3,0 1 1 -9,1%
Other Revenues 50,9 9 21 13,4%
Transfers and Grants from the State Budget 577,7 106 243 21,5%
Foreign Grants n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a.
Total Revenues 741,3 137 312 16,9%

Table description

Public universities are non-profit public institutions. Their main source of income are subsidies from the state budget provided by the Ministry of Education based on a contract between the Ministry and the public university. A substantial part of the income is the revenue from the administrative fees and sales of services. Half of the costs of the university education serves to reward its employees.