Government spending increased during the crises

  • Total government expenditures
  • Total government revenues

We spend 3 times more on railways compared to benefits for people in need

  • Railways
  • People in need

To balance the budget we would have to raise taxes by 7%

  • Share of the deficit on the country's total tax revenues

Share of the total tax revenues on GDP

  • Tax-to-GDP ratio (%)

How much public sector spends?

How much public sector spends EUR mil. Per capita Per working person
Government 15 641 2 892 6 716
 Ministry of Labour 2 054 380 882
 Ministry of Education 2 108 390 905
 Ministry of Health 1 532 283 658
 Ministry of Defence 790 146 339
SGR and Municipalities 4 790 886 2 057
Social Insurance Agency 6 433 1 190 2 762
Health Insurance Companies 3 731 690 1 602
Total Expenditures of Public Sector 26 849 4 965 11 528

How much public sector collects?

How much public sector collects? EUR mil. Per capita Per working person
Taxes 10 885 2 013 4 674
Income Taxes 3 663 677 1 573
Personal Income Tax 1 865 345 801
Corporate Income Tax 1 631 302 700
VAT 4 322 799 1 856
Excise Taxes 1 973 365 847
Social Contributions 4 849 897 2 082
Health Contributions 2 426 449 1 042
Total Revenues of Public Sector 23 619 4 368 10 141